
AI-Powered Medical Documentation

Redesigning the web application interface for quick onboarding and enabling doctors to focus more on patient care


UX/UI Designer

team size

3 Members


10.2024 - 01.2025

2.5 months


User Experience

Web App Design

Design System




muunai is a med-tech startup leveraging AI to enhance clinical workflows. Their goal is to provide a seamless, user-centered solution that simplifies medical documentation, helping doctors reduce time spent on administrative tasks and focus more on patient interactions.


muunai is a med-tech startup leveraging AI to enhance clinical workflows. Their goal is to provide a seamless, user-centered solution that simplifies medical documentation, helping doctors reduce time spent on administrative tasks and focus more on patient interactions.

user interview

To get first impressions, we recruited three medical students to test the system.

Since they had never used the application before, their experience closely resembled that of actual new users.

user interview

To get first impressions, we recruited three medical students to test the system.

Since they had never used the application before, their experience closely resembled that of actual new users.


Main reasons doctors found the application difficult to navigate:

Unintuitive layout and navigation

Unintuitive layout and navigation

Users were unsure where to start or how to proceed

Users were unsure where to start or how to proceed

Overwhelming Smart Editing feature

Overwhelming Smart Editing feature

Users did not fully understand how it worked

Users did not fully understand how it worked

Unclear process for finalizing reports

Unclear process for finalizing reports

Users struggled to save and send reports

Users struggled to save and send reports

How I Approached the Problem to Design a More Intuitive User Experience

How I Approached the Problem to Design a More Intuitive User Experience

To explore potential solutions, I used the How Might We (HMW) method

To explore potential solutions, I used the How Might We (HMW) method


How might we... simplify the interface for doctors to easily create a new report?


How might we... provide clear, non-intrusive indicators to ensure doctors are aware when the application is recording, while maintaining their focus on patient interactions?


How might we... rearrange the report layout that doctors can quickly edit a specific report section?

my first draft

I played around with different layouts and feature arrangement

The wireframes helped me identify usability gaps before moving into high-fidelity design.

my first draft

I played around with different layouts and feature arrangement

The wireframes helped me identify usability gaps before moving into high-fidelity design.

design system

We kept the existing color palette, typography, and iconography for consistency

Since muunai lacked a formal design system, I created a mini guide to ensure UI components were standardized and aligned with the existing product.

design system

We kept the existing color palette, typography, and iconography for consistency

Since muunai lacked a formal design system, I created a mini guide to ensure UI components were standardized and aligned with the existing product.

quick glance at the final prototype

quick glance at the final prototype

The improvements we implemented solved a need for a more structured and intuitive interface

The overall layout

I added clear section dividers to reduce information overload and guide users through the workflow

The overall layout

I added clear section dividers to reduce information overload and guide users through the workflow

Use the Smart Edit feature

The Smart Edit panel is hidden by default to keep users' focus on the most important part of the screen. To use the feature, users need to click on the icon located in the section headers

Use the Smart Edit feature

The Smart Edit panel is hidden by default to keep users' focus on the most important part of the screen. To use the feature, users need to click on the icon located in the section headers

Save and send the report

I converted the “Save” and “Send” options into CTA buttons and relocated these options to the bottom of the report section to improve visibility and clarity

Save and send the report

I converted the “Save” and “Send” options into CTA buttons and relocated these options to the bottom of the report section to improve visibility and clarity

Access the patient data

I replaced the side panel for patient data with a toggle switching between report and patient info view

Access the patient data

I replaced the side panel for patient data with a toggle switching between report and patient info view

How This reDesign Adds Business Values...

By simplifying navigation and Smart Edit, we reduce cognitive load, helping doctors complete documentation faster

This enable doctors to see more patients per day, increasing productivity and improving patient care

How This reDesign Adds Business Values...

By simplifying navigation and Smart Edit, we reduce cognitive load, helping doctors complete documentation faster

This enable doctors to see more patients per day, increasing productivity and improving patient care


Small Sample Size

Our research involved only three participants, who are medical students. Their perceptions and the way they approached the interface might be different from actual doctors. Additional usability testing with this group could help validate our solutions further.

Limited Time

Given more time, we would have conducted additional usability testing with actual doctors to validate our assumptions and further refine the workflow based on real-world feedback.

my other work

I also redesign a website for a student club at the Technical University of Munich. Check it out!

my other work

I also redesign a website for a student club at the Technical University of Munich. Check it out!


2025 | Thy Nguyen · All rights reserved


2025 | Thy Nguyen · All rights reserved